Strategic Program Management

Our staffing, systems design, communications architecture and integration have all been modeled after the high performance program management structure we execute against every day in our work with our customers. COLAMCO can work with your organization to have a dedicated Program Manager devoted to making sure our relationship and the business is running smoothly and all details are being kept on track. Every major implementation and program needs a strong base of focused individuals ensuring quality, service, SLA management and ease of use. Our team has delivered on these key metrics for three decades and understands why customers continue to leverage COLAMCO as a fulfillment partner for IT program management.

Customers will realize the following benefits:  
  • Dedicated staffing— Having a dedicated Program Manager to oversee the partnership and ensure that all goals and objectives are met is key for success for large scale projects.
  • Efficiency— Using proven program management methodologies, allows us to make sure that we are utilizing time and resources in the most effective way on your behalf.
  • Customization— One size does not fit all and COLAMCO understands that, which is why we always do an assessment to understand your needs and create a plan that fits your business.
  • Experience— COLAMCO’s experience in the industry for 30 years gives us the expertise you need to feel comfortable that we will succeed.

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