Smart Cities Solution
Using Smart Tech for Public Safety

Public security is a growing problem for cities worldwide. Smart cities are safe cities because they enable police departments and law enforcement to leverage technology to enhance their commitment to protecting lives and property. Public safety must be a pillar of any smart city strategy from the very beginning. The ability to collect and understand ever-increasing amounts of data will improve how cities provide services and protect their citizens in the future.


Smart Cities Products
Smart Video & Audio Surveillance


While video surveillance has been around for decades, smart technology and new audio capabilities can make it more effective, actionable and connected to other municipal systems.  With smart video and audio capabilities, improvements to public safety efforts may include detecting vehicle license tags. Special high-resolution cameras can even hone in on potential suspects as well.



Rugged Laptops/Tablets


Rugged Laptops and tablets we provide need to stand up to the rugged environment of a police car, ambulance or perhaps a firetruck. Your work is extraordinary, and your laptop needs to match you step for step. 




In-Car Cameras


Police In-Car Camera Systems is an Important Piece of  Integrated Law Enforcement System. The in-car camera system is now the most efficient way to collect evidence against criminals, while on an incident. 




Wearables for Improved Safety. To protect the public and respond to dangerous, unpredictable situations, police officers need to be hands-free and heads up when they exit their vehicles. Real-time information from dispatch is critical to situational awareness for officers.



Docking Stations & Mounts


Mounts and Docking Stations are designed to help officers organize and secure their technology equipment so it is convenient and accessible in their squads.


Explore Our Vendors







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