Smart OFFICERS Solutions


Mobility Solutions in Patrol Vehicles
Telework: First Responder Style 

COLAMCO works with clients in industries such as the military and law enforcement to provide custom in-vehicle computing solutions. In-vehicle embedded computing solutions can connect vehicles in the field to the main office, enabling real-time two-way communication to improve decision-making, vehicle tracking, and record-keeping. They also help with logistics and team management by providing real-time location and status updates.


Smart Officers Products


Wearables for Improved Safety. To protect the public and respond to dangerous, unpredictable situations, police officers need to be hands-free and heads up when they exit their vehicles. Real-time information from dispatch is critical to situational awareness for officers.




Rugged Laptops/Tablets


Rugged Laptops and tablets we provide need to stand up to the rugged environment of a police car, ambulance or perhaps a firetruck. Your work is extraordinary, and your laptop needs to match you step for step. 




In-Car Cameras


Police In-Car Camera Systems is an Important Piece of  Integrated Law Enforcement System. The in-car camera system is now the most efficient way to collect evidence against criminals, while on an incident. 


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