APC Preventive Maintenance

APC Preventive Maintenance

24 x 7 - Technical

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APC Preventive Maintenance

APC Service WUPGPMV7X24-AX-00

About the APC Preventive Maintenance

In order to keep your APC systems running at maximum efficiency, it is imperative that Preventive Maintenance be performed on a regular basis. Our service policy is to prevent problems before they occur. Advance power and air systems contain components and parts that will wear out over time. Proper care and regular maintenance will help you avoid unnecessary downtime, saving you time and money. To be sure your system is receiving the care it needs, you need specially trained staff, who are familiar with the inner workings of the APC products. APC Preventive Maintenance services give your system the level of service it needs and you the peace of mind you deserve.
Technical Specifications of the APC Preventive Maintenance

General Information

Manufacturer Schneider Electric SA
Manufacturer Part Number WUPGPMV7X24-AX-00
Manufacturer Website Address http://www.schneider-electric.com
Brand Name APC by Schneider Electric
Service Name Preventive Maintenance
Product Type Service

Service Information

Service Main Type Technical
Service Description 24x7
Service Details
  • 7 x 24 off-hours service scheduling
  • 7x24 Upgrade option
Service Availability 24 x 7


Additional Information

7X24 Scheduling Upgrade from Existing Preventive Maintenance Service

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