Apposite Extended Maintenance - 1 Year

Apposite Extended Maintenance - 1 Year


  • Keeps your system optimally maintained with a predictable total cost of ownership
  • Features Phone Support service that helps you handle any mishaps
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Apposite Extended Maintenance - 1 Year

Apposite Service N90-10M-S1YR

About the Apposite Extended Maintenance - 1 Year

This part number is for a one year maintenance extension on P/N N90-10M, Ingram Micro SKU# PC8767. Maintenance includes hardware warranty, firmware updates, and customer support by phone and email.

One year of maintenance is included at no cost with purchase of the hardware unit. Order this part number only to extend the maintenance beyond the first year.

For multiple year maintenance extensions, order any number of 1-year extensions. For example, to add two additional years of maintenance on top of the included first year for a total of 3 years, order quantity 2 of the 1-year maintenance extension.

To order maintenance extension for a unit previously shipped, please contact Apposite beforehand to confirm the maintenance status and expiration dates of the unit to be covered. The serial number of the unit must be supplied with order. Maintenance cannot be extended after maintenance on the unit has expired.

Technical Specifications of the Apposite Extended Maintenance - 1 Year

General Information

Manufacturer Apposite Technologies
Manufacturer Part Number N90-10M-S1YR
Manufacturer Website Address
Brand Name Apposite
Service Name Extended Maintenance
Product Type Service

Service Information

Service Main Type Technical
Provided Support
  • Phone Support
  • Email Support
  • Firmware Updates
Service Duration 1 Year
Product Supported

Apposite Netropy N90 Network Emulator:

  • Emulation Speed: 10 Mbps


Apposite Netropy N90 Network Emulator:

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