How will you keep track of systems and valuable assets as they arrive at your company?


It might be tough to keep track of your IT infrastructure, but asset tagging makes it easy. Leave it to COLAMCO to apply a unique asset ID to each piece of hardware, which may be tracked online with ease. With our Asset Tagging and Reporting services, we make identifying, tracking, securing, and recovering your computers easier, simpler and more affordable.

What Is Asset Tagging?

Asset tagging is the practice of attaching tags to assets in order to distinguish them individually and keep track of data as it travels from real-teim location through to maintenance history. Asset tagging, as the name implies, entails correctly assigning tags to collect data about a company's physical assets. These tags can be applied to both fixed and mobile assets that are located at various sites and warehouses. Asset management software enables a comprehensive view of their owned assets.



Why Asset Tagging? 

Asset tagging protocols are critical for companies that rely heavily on their assets to generate income. By tagging and labelling assets, you may collect a variety of information and store it in a digital asset register. Trackable tags and labels are a useful tool for ensuring that assets are kept track of at all times. By making asset information accessible in an asset register, firms can reduce the danger of losing critical resources like spare parts, tools, or stock. 

In a workplace full of movable assets and spread across several sites, manually looking for a specific object might be time-consuming. However, by tagging each item with a tag, you may instantly discover and identify any asset that has been tagged.  

The asset tagging procedure may aid in minimizing the expenses involved with replacing lost or stolen equipment, especially if done digitally. In fact, construction businesses lose $1 billion each year because of a lack of asset visibility, according to one estimate.  

In addition, you may simply link new assets into your existing asset management system with asset reporting. An asset report may be sent out on a regular basis, such as daily, weekly, or monthly, and it functions as a helpful tracking tool for monitoring all PCs delivered in the previous period. 


Asset data can include:

Real-time Location; Purchase History; Maintenance Schedule; Depreciation Value; Inventory Information; Serial Numbers; Manufacturer Details; Date of Purchase; Software License; Account Number; Manufacture Date; Model; Installed OS; CPU; Processor Speed; Hard Drive Size; Memory; Video Memory; Company Name; Customer Name; Customer Number; Shipping Address


The benefits of asset tagging with COLAMCO include:

Theft Prevention 

  • Track the location and disposition of assets.  
  • Import a list of assets and locations.  

Maintenance Control 

  • Create alarms or events for activity or maintenance. 
  • Keep track of asset history and management: 
    • With the GMS mobile-based inventory management software, you can scan barcodes and collect data through your smartphone. 
    • You may also sync with the main application to learn more about assets, verify asset information, track productivity statistics, and create automated workflows.  
    • The system is highly scalable; add in additional locations or users for expanded functionality. 


  • Include nested parent-child relationships. 
  • Conveniently add your branding colors/schemes.  
  • User roles and access can be easily set up. 

Easy Configuration 

  • Set up your own site by importing assets, defining locations and connected devices. 
  • Define locations and easily connect devices. 

Extensive Reporting 

  • Use formatted reports such as assets by location or assets moved from one location to another. 
  • Configure maps and geo-fenced locations to enable customized monitoring of assets and manufacturing workflows. 
  • Customers may use asset reporting to help them receive new systems and have them completed by their IT departments. 
  • Asset teams will be able to keep track of their inventory with ease, and they'll be able to read the barcode and check it against their asset report into their electronic asset tracking system.  
  • Export data to Excel for sorting. 


From Factory to Desk

The simplest way to track your hardware assets is by labeling them physically during manufacture. A label is printed as the system progresses through the manufacturing process, enabling capture of information relevant to that particular system. Additionally, we can write a 10-character alphanumeric customer asset number into the system BIOS to allow system management software to remotely interrogate for identification.
Our Asset Reporting service enables you to easily integrate new assets into your existing asset management systems and receive a report via email daily, weekly, or monthly—also an effective way to identify PCs shipped in a particular time frame. Before distributing your systems to your staff, tag them. Easily purchase, ship, and easily have hardware ready for your employees using COLAMCO’s services. Systems can be scanned into hub services and recorded using barcode data after being placed in their shipping boxes. 

You don't want to wait weeks for new IT assets when you can get them up and running in days with our asset tagging and reporting services. You've probably spent a lot of time and money acquiring the correct new IT equipment for your business, so it's critical to be able to control how each item is progressing.  

You can choose from our pre-approved set of tags, all of which include the most popular data fields sought by customers over time. Prior to shipping, we print and apply your asset tags using your desired colors. We may also design a custom color tag with your corporate logo and the information. 


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