Every computer will eventually fail. When that occurs, the security of your critical information is only as good as your current backup. PC imaging, or also known as workstation imaging, is an effective approach for organizations to effectively manage technology, increase security, and deploy numerous devices. COLAMCO’s PC Imaging and Deployment Services can relieve the stress and strain of replacing a new staff of PCs and mobile devices.




It’s critical to check and update a workstation image on a regular basis, especially if it’s been used for several years. Systems, as well as your company’s requirements, do evolve over time. Each time the image is applied, fewer system updates or configuration changes are required because to modifications since the image’s original creation. In addition, the following items related to PC Imaging can benefit your company:


Even if you buy the same PC with identical characteristics from a single vendor, there are numerous minor variations beneath the hood. The release schedules, versions, and patches for operating systems, applications, and hardware components differ. Every new generation of OS, software, and hardware is generally modified to address either performance or security concerns. Because all PCs are identical in the first place, IT knows precisely what it’s dealing with when it sets each one to a standard image.


When IT has to set up each system individually, there will be variations among machines based on which technology sets it up. When an end-user encounters a problem and calls the help desk, finding the issue can take longer and be more confusing because numerous small differences exist in each machine. When all PCs are imaged to the same level of quality, however, the help desk will typically encounter similar problems repeatedly, resulting in standard fix procedures that are simple to reproduce. This streamlines repair actions, lowers user frustration, and speeds back up equipment (and people).

Employee turnover in your IT department is another concern. Even if you just have one person handling all of your company’s IT needs, what happens when he is promoted or replaced? Standardized pictures will be lost, while ad-hoc procedures will need to be reinvented.


If you can improve a procedure that is frequently repeated, you will save money in the long term. Consider the following IT milestones that may occur during the life cycle of a PC:


This may be done on an as-needed basis, or you can use the same procedure for each computer. If each PC was set up independently, it’s very likely that they’ll all have their own issues. IT will generally observe the same concerns repeatedly if they’re all imaged with the same configuration, making each subsequent case simpler to address.


If a computer crashes for any reason, you have the option of either rebuilding everything about it from the ground up or reinstalling a pre-configured image. If you don’t have back-up computers on hand, this can result in lost productivity for the PC owner, which is a financial loss.



Our expert services team ensures your machines ready the moment they arrive. Our secure, flexible and scalable image management services support the unique needs of each organization within your business. We don’t need to install operating systems and applications separately on each device since we already have a pre-made blueprint for imaging, which we can quickly apply to bare bones machines in just a few steps rather than manually installing operating systems and applications.

We apply images to all end-user devices, including:

  • Desktops and laptops
  • Mobile Devices
  • Servers

COLAMCO achieves this by:

  • Offering a variety of delivery and deployment methods
  • Providing onboarding and testing to ensure all images are production-ready before they are delivered
  • Test image system and application functionality, file and directory structure, and conflict resolution
  • Manage images on-site at our logistics center, making revisions and updates when you need them
  • House images on a secure, dedicated or customer-owned server and back-up media for fault tolerance


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