Not only do we offer the best end-of-life solution in the electronics recycling industry, but our team of expert technicians can also maximize the value recovered from your IT assets. We believe that recovery is always the best environmental solution for electronic equipment containing reusable components.




COLAMCO can evaluate the best path for each sort of electronic it receives using a mix of our own developed asset tracking software and industry-leading remarketing specialists. When necessary, all data-storage devices are cleaned based on our client’s preferences. The IT asset is then handed to us through our rigorous refurbishing and remarketing processes, which are approved by Microsoft.



Information technology has drastically changed the way businesses operate and communicate, with many companies now relying on electronic devices to automate processes. However, when these products have reached the end of their lifespan, it’s important to recycle them in a way that doesn’t damage the environment. COLAMCO helps leading companies properly get rid of old electronics so they can be recycled without breaking any legal regulations.

We have a worldwide network of certified e-waste recycling centers that follow our closed-loop approach to responsible recycling, which ensures hazardous materials are disposed transparently and safely. With COLAMCO, you can rest assured knowing that we will destroy any data bearing equipment in a secure and compliant manner.

The market value of obsolete client assets varies considerably, depending on what is being sold and for what purpose – for example, reuse in commerce or scrapping for components or recovery of raw materials. The market for obsolete assets and raw materials is international.

We often receive shipments from businesses that contain a mix of electronics that could be reused and electronic equipment that is too old or broken to repair. We assess each piece to determine whether repairing it would be worth our time investment before sending it straight to recycling. We offer multiple services that compliantly dispose of and recycle IT equipment according to our clients’ varying requirements.

Redundant stock sorting, asset recovery, and liquidation are all options available from COLAMCO:

  • Recovery of assets from manufactured products and sub-assemblies
  • Recovery of re-usable components
  • Reutilizable component retrieval
  • Repairable electronic equipment can be recovered at a fraction of their original cost through materials recycling
  • Precious metal extraction, separation, and refinement are also services
  • Re-deployable computer parts




At COLAMCO, we understand how crucial the security of your data is to you. We take measures to ensure that all identifying tags and labels are removed from your IT assets. The data destruction process resets devices to factory specifications, for magnetic and storage media alike. If needed, we will provide packaging materials and packing services. Furthermore, we give aid in the decommissioning process if assets are still present throughout your datacenter.



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