Marshall RS7-HR Signal Splitter

Marshall RS7-HR Signal Splitter
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Marshall RS7-HR

Marshall RS7-HR Signal Splitter

About the Marshall RS7-HR


The RS7-HR can be set on a desk top or you can use the included 1RU rack ears to install a rack. Please note the following:
  • Before connecting your equipment please select RS232 or RS422 on the back of the unit
  • Connect your controller to the Input connection on the front of the RS7-HR using a Cat 5/6 cable
  • On the back of the RS7-HR connect your Cat 5/6 cables from the RS7-HR to each camera (you may need optional CV620-CABLE-07 Adapters for RS232)
  • You will now connect power to the RS7-HR, you will see a red indicator light appear on the front of the unit, now you will push the refresh button once
  • If you disconnect a camera or add a camera you will need to push the refresh button again
Technical Specifications of the Marshall

General Information

Manufacturer Marshall Electronics, Inc
Manufacturer Part Number RS7-HR
Manufacturer Website Address
Brand Name Marshall
Product Model RS7-HR
Product Name RS7-HR Signal Splitter
Product Type Signal Splitter

Technical Information

Indicator Light Yes
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Marshall RS7-HR Signal Splitter

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Marshall RS7-HR Signal Splitter

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