
Our Commitment to the Environment

COLAMCO is a supporter of the planet and the communities we serve with product, service and solutions offerings that we utilize ourselves while conducting business. We are committed to reducing the impact that information technology has on the environment.

To help our clients meet and increase environmental standards, we provide environmentally friendly products, green IT services and asset management services. COLAMCO works with manufacturers to offer servers, computers, notebooks, monitors and consumables that have environmentally friendly attributes evidenced by their ENERGY STAR® and EPEAT™ ratings.

ENERGY STAR® products help conserve energy through efficient designs. The EPA requirements for earning ENERGY STAR® are to meet energy use benchmarks in three distinct operating modes: standby, active and sleep modes. In addition to the product, any included accessory must also meet the ENERGY STAR® qualifications for its category.

EPEAT™ is managed by the Green Electronics Council (GEC). EPEAT™ evaluates products according to three tiers of environmental performance Bronze, Silver and Gold. To qualify for registration as an EPEAT™ product, a product must follow 23 required criteria and, in the case of Gold and Silver, a percentage of optional criteria (Gold 75% and Silver 50%).

COLAMCO offers a comprehensive Asset Management program, including I.T. Asset Disposal services, leading up to and including systematic reuse, repurposing, and recycling.  COLAMCO recycling partners provide complete, environmentally responsible disposition of IT assets. IT assets are recycled following EPA guidelines as addition to federal, state and local guidelines.  COLAMCO service partners are committed to a zero-landfill policy for e-waste and proper disposal of toxic heavy metals.

As a leading technology provider in the United States., we are dedicated to the local and global environment, confirmed by the ways in which we reduce the environmental impact associated with our internal business operations.

- Green Packaging

- Server Consolidation

- Internal Recycling

COLAMCO practices a regular recycling program with awareness messaging including signage and electronic communications.