Wiremold Cordmate III Cord Management Kit

Wiremold Cordmate III Cord Management Kit


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Wiremold Cordmate III Cord Management Kit

Wiremold Cable Management Kit C310

About the Wiremold Cordmate III Cord Management Kit

CordMate III High Capacity Cord Cover Kit is perfect for hiding larger bundles of home entertainment cabling, speaker wires, TV/video cabling, and home office wiring. Peel and press backing makes for easy installation. Hinged lid allows easy access to cables. Stylish design complements any interior setting. White/ Paintable cable management. Ideal for concealing multiple low-voltage cords, wires, and cables. Suitable for covering home entertainment wires, speaker cables, TV/video cabling, and home office wiring. Paintable with latex-based paint. Large capacity. 2 flat elbows, 1 inside elbow, 1 outside elbow, 2 coupling/exit fittings, and 1 "T" fitting included.
Technical Specifications of the Wiremold Cordmate III Cord Management Kit

General Information

Manufacturer Legrand Group
Manufacturer Part Number C310
Manufacturer Website Address http://www.legrand.us
Brand Name Wiremold
Product Name Wiremold CordMate III Series Cord Management Kit - White
Product Type Cable Management Kit


Package Contents
  • 2 x Flat elbows
  • 1 x Inside elbow
  • 1 x Outside elbow
  • 2 x Coupling/exit fittings
  • 1 x "T" fitting
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Wiremold Cordmate III Cord Management Kit

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