Wiremold Poke-Thru Device Finish Flange/Slide Holder Assembly

Wiremold Poke-Thru Device Finish Flange/Slide Holder Assembly

4" Diameter - Gray, Black, Ivory, Brushed Aluminum, Brass

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Wiremold Poke-Thru Device Finish Flange/Slide Holder Assembly

Wiremold Device Finish Flange/Slide Holder Assembly AMD8CTCBK

About the Wiremold Poke-Thru Device Finish Flange/Slide Holder Assembly

Finish flange available in gray (GY), black (BK), ivory (VY), brushed aluminum (AL) and brass finish (BS). Aluminum and brass flanges standard with black cover. Aluminum flange also available with an aluminum colored nonmetallic cover (AA). Brass flange also available with a brass colored nonmetallic cover (AB). Includes adapters to accept eight (8) Ortronics TracJack modular jacks, four (4) Ortronics Series II modular jacks, or Wiremold Open System adapters. Modular jacks sold separately. NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. AMD8 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 4'' (102mm) diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8'' minimum.

Technical Specifications of the Wiremold Poke-Thru Device Finish Flange/Slide Holder Assembly

General Information

Manufacturer Legrand Group
Manufacturer Part Number AMD8CTCBK
Manufacturer Website Address http://www.legrand.us
Brand Name Wiremold
Product Name Poke-Thru Device Finish Flange/Slide Holder Assembly
Product Type Device Finish Flange/Slide Holder Assembly

Physical Characteristics

Product Color
  • Ivory
  • Gray
  • Black
  • Brushed Aluminum
  • Brass
Finishing Brass
Diameter 4"


  • Carpet
  • Concrete Floor
  • Tile
  • Terrazzo Floor
  • Commercial
Green Compliant Yes
Country of Origin Mexico
Environmental Compliance Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
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Wiremold Poke-Thru Device Finish Flange/Slide Holder Assembly - 4" Diameter - Gray, Black, Ivory, Brushed Aluminum, Brass

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Wiremold Poke-Thru Device Finish Flange/Slide Holder Assembly - 4" Diameter - Gray, Black, Ivory, Brushed Aluminum, Brass

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